Experience Glenny Wood
The fun day enabled scouting families to experience the facilities at Glenny Wood that the children are very lucky to experience whether they are in Beavers, Cubs or Scouts.
The weather was beautiful and the bluebells were out in force - the day started off with the AGM and then the fun started! There was a BBQ, coffee and cakes and we made use of the facilities up at Glenny including tunnels, go karts, grass sledges, and an obstacle course. One of our beaver leaders made a camp fire and the children were able to make garlic or raisin bread on the fire. Children were also able to buy scouting souvenirs such as badges! One of our Scout troops was also on an overnight camp there - sleeping in hammocks, skinning and cooking squirrels and pigeons!
We had some great feedback from parents saying it was great to see Glenny and what it has to offer.
Kandersteg 2019
The day was part of a fundraising campaign to send our Scouts to Kandersteg in 2019 - this is a truly amazing opportunity for Scouts to go on a week long trip to Switzerland to visit an international scouting centre and to experience lots of fantastic opportunities such as climbing,rafting, sailing, staying in mountain huts, hiking but to name a few! We raised over £500 from the day towards the trip.
Many thanks to our wonderful Leaders and helpers that made the day a roaring success!
Fundraising committee
We are looking for volunteers to be on a fundraising committee to help raise funds for this trip - we need your help - big or small!. Please contact your Leader if you think you can help!